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We’re in a Mobile-First World; Is Your Digital Strategy up to Date?

COVID-19 has ushered in a mobile-first economy. From remote working to online banking, the daily routine for millions of people now revolves around digital technology, especially mobile apps. 

In fact, the average user spent 4 hours 20 minutes on mobile every day during 2020, representing year-on-year growth of 20 per cent. Users now spend more time on their mobile devices than watching live television.

Consumer money spend in apps also reached record highs due to the coronavirus pandemic, with many people purchasing essential products from the comfort and convenience of their smartphones. 

But what does this mean for your digital strategy? Well, if you haven’t prioritised mobile already, you’re in danger of falling behind the curve.

Get in touch with Transpire for a free 1-on-1 mobile consultation


The State of Mobile 2020

Over the past few years, time and mindshare has migrated to mobile exponentially – consumers averaged 3 hours and 40 minutes on mobile in 2019, up 35% since 2017. But research suggests that coronavirus has now advanced mobile usage by 2 to 3 years.

– 25% increase – 

Worldwide downloads growth in peak month H1 2020 vs H2 2019

– US$143 billion –

Worldwide App Store consumer spend in 2020

– 4.2 hours per day – 

Spent on mobile by the average user during 2020

– 3.5 trillion hours –

Spent on mobile worldwide in 2020

This has led to newly-engrained behavioural habits, which users are becoming accustomed to and won’t want to move away from. As a result, any brand or business that doesn’t adopt a mobile-first digital strategy will struggle to attract or retain customers. 

Even though many organisations view mobile as a marketing or customer sentiment tool, recent consumer behaviour has only reinforced and accelerated mobile’s role as a significant driver of revenue. 

With an increasing number of consumers recognising the ease with which tasks such as shopping and banking can be completed using apps, mobile becomes both sticky and sustainable.

Adopting a Mobile-First Digital Strategy

No matter your organisation or industry, there are plentiful opportunities to implement a mobile-first digital strategy. The most important thing is leveraging and adapting mobile technology to create personalised and engaging experiences. 

For example, data from user experience and design research can help businesses adapt to recent changes in behaviour, demand and preferences. This can lead to stronger alignment around the opportunities and outcomes that exist with mobile. 

Areas where mobile has performed extremely well over the past six months include:

  • Retail – Mobile has been central to the ecommerce boom sparked by COVID-19. This was evident with shopping events like Black Friday and the holiday season. In addition to ecommerce platforms, other retail services such as Click and Collect can be enhanced with mobile.
  • Banking – Time spent in finance apps during 2020 went up 45% year on year. Since the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak, customers have visited bank branches less frequently and utilised mobile banking applications more often to access financial services. ‘Buy Now, Pay Later’ providers have also enjoyed growth during the coronavirus pandemic as mobile users look to modernise their monetary footprint.
  • Work and Education – In order to capitalise on newly formed habits, edtech and business tools must be able to facilitate easier remote work and online learning. While certain apps can’t replicate face-to-face interactions, their seamless integration into daily life looks set to continue for many years to come.

Free 1-on-1 Consultation with Transpire

It remains to be seen when life will return to ‘normal’, but for the time being at least, countries and communities around the world will continue to rely on digital technology, particularly mobile apps.

If you’re unsure how best to serve your customers through digital technology or mobile apps, get in touch with the team at Transpire for a free 1-on-1 consultation. 

We’ll help you keep pace with recent trends by defining a research-driven digital vision. In turn, this will give you greater clarity and complete confidence about your future plans.

Get your free 1-on-1 mobile consultation here

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