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Transpire Mobile Index

“If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it” wrote business management guru Peter Drucker. Each year that goes past sees an acceleration of mobile usage habits — strengthening the role mobile and apps play in engaging customers and growing businesses. But what tools are there for businesses to measure the effectiveness of their apps? The Transpire Mobile Index (TMI) gives businesses the insights they need into their own product in an ever-growing and evolving market. We built the index using extensive local Australian market data and case studies, and helps product teams address problems like:
  • What does best in class look like?
  • In my market/industry, how is my competition perceived and how important is user experience?
  • How do I break down user experience into tangible user stories
  • What are my quick wins to improve customer experience, acquisition and retention?

Importantly, the TMI doesn’t just benchmark – it provides executives, product managers and designers with clear recommendations that are actionable.

The final TMI report provides:

  • A holistic view of app performance
  • A comparison of your app against up to eight chosen competitors
  • Recommendations across key areas, including: User Experience (UX); Accessibility (a11y); App and Play store optimisation; Product features

“Really excited to be able to measure where we sit as we talk about our mission to be best in class. We can now validate our current product roadmap and reprioritise what we can deliver to our current and future customers”  — Senior Product Manager

Are you interested to learn more about the Transpire Mobile Index and how it can help your product? Get in touch

TMI Report Sample

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